Surviving Mesothelioma® is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Cancer Monthly, Inc. and the website is owned and managed by Cancer Monthly, Inc. All of the information provided on this website or by an employee or contractor of Cancer Monthly is for general informational purposes only. This website is not a substitute for professional medical advice, examination, diagnosis or treatment. This website should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease and it is not a substitute for professional care. You should always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health professional before starting any new treatment or making any changes to an existing treatment. You should not delay in seeking or disregard medical advice based on information on this website or by any employee or contractor of Cancer Monthly. Following any information on this website or in the materials sent out does NOT guarantee similar future results. We do our best to provide general information that is timely and accurate, but science is always changing. Therefore, please be advised that the information on our websites, emails or other communications is neither complete nor comprehensive and that there may be new or additional information that is not reflected in the communication. In addition, most of the treatments, therapies and approaches used by Paul Kraus and other mesothelioma survivors involved alternative modalities that are not FDA-approved. That’s why it’s important to always consult with your licensed healthcare provider. By submitting the form or calling the number on this website, you understand and give consent that a law firm may contact you by manual or automated means via phone calls and/or emails. You may also be contacted by SMS, but only if you opt in. By requesting information, you are not hiring anyone as any attorney and the request does not form an attorney-client relationship between you and either, Cancer Monthly, Inc., the law firm that contacts you, or any other individual or entity involved in producing the content for this website. Legal representation and an attorney-client relationship is formed only if and when there is a written, signed contract between you and the attorney and/or law firm. In addition, the information on this website is general information only. It is not legal advice. Any lawsuit or claim may have a statute of limitations associated with them which limit the amount of time you have to file claims or a lawsuit, so you are urged to seek out and consult in-person with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. The value of claims and lawsuits vary based on their individual merits. Past results obtained for other cases are not a guarantee of future results.