While mesothelioma is a problem in all states, the specific incident rate for Washington is 1.5 / 100,000. This is above the average rate of 1.1 / 100,000. Click on the tabs below to find mesothelioma and asbestos research in WA, recent WA mesothelioma-related court cases, mesothelioma specialists in WA and potential asbestos hotspots in Washington.
[doptab title=”Overview”]
Washington Mesothelioma Info
By clicking on the above tabs, you will find information on mesothelioma specific to the state of Washington
Washington Research and Clinical Trials
This is a partial list of scientific or medical grants in your state for research into mesothelioma and related illnesses.
Washington Doctors and Hospitals
This is a partial list of hospitals and physicians that reportedly treat mesothelioma patients in your state.
Washington Cases
This is a partial list of relevant court cases on mesothelioma in your state.
Disclaimer: Inclusion on this directory does not constitute endorsement by Cancer Monthly, Inc. All physicians who appear in this section do so based on their own expression of interest in the fields of mesothelioma treatment. Cancer Monthly, Inc. has not verified the competence, professional credentials, business practices or validity of the expressed interests of these physicians. Cancer Monthly makes no recommendation of any physician on this list and makes no suggestion that any such physician will cure or prevent any disease. Those consulting a physician on this list should approach the consultation exactly as they would with any other unknown physician.
[doptab title=”Treatment and Research”]
[dopaccordion title=”Goodman, Gary E. Caret–coordinating Center
Grant: 5U01CA063673-04″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: CARET is an ongoing double-blind lung cancer chemoprevention trial of the efficacy and safety of the combination of 30 mg beta-carotene and 25,000 IU retinyl palmitate daily in two high-risk populations: (a) male and female current and former smokers recruited primarily from insurance-based sources, and (b) males with extensive occupational asbestos exposure recruited primarily from employment-based sources. We have documented successful recruitment, excellent compliance, and minimal side effects in over 18,000 participants randomized thus far at six study centers. Through 30 June, 1994, CARET has randomized 4,060 asbestos-exposed workers, exceeding accrual goals at all five CARET asbestos centers, and 14,057 heavy smokers (44% women). Two of the three smoker centers exceeded their goals, the third will conclude randomizations in fall 1994. During the final five-year period, CARET will focus on retention, adherence to protocol, ascertainment of endpoints, monitoring of key design parameters, closeout of the trial, and analysis and publication. Projections indicate that with 14,240 smokers and 4,060 asbestos-exposed participants and 114,400 person- years of follow-up through February 1998, CARET will be capable of detecting a 23% reduction in lung cancer incidence in the two high- risk populations combined, and 27%, 49%, 31%, and 35% reductions in the smokers, female smokers, male smokers, and asbestos-exposed subgroups, respectively. The Coordinating Center continues to be responsible for all statistical work, close liaison with study centers, data management and data operations, progress reports, purchase and quality-controlled distribution of vitamins, serum and DNA bank, central laboratory, review and adjudication of endpoints data, publications and presentations, and general administration. CARET is highly complementary to the ATBC (alpha-tocopherol, beta-carotene) study of 29,000 male smokers in Finland and the Harvard Physicians Health Study (beta-carotene alone) of 22,000 men in the NCI portfolio of major cancer chemoprevention trials.
Tags: All Trans Retinol, Asbestos, Cancer Prevention, Carotene, Chemoprevention, Lung Neoplasm, Nutrition Aspect Of Cancer, Statistical Service /center, Tobacco Abuse Cancer Risk, Combination Antineoplastic Therapy, Female, Human Mortality, Male, Mesothelioma, Neoplasm /cancer Epidemiology, Occupational Hazard, Sex Difference Computer Data Analysis, Human Subject, Statistics /biometry
- Followup Grant: 5U01CA063673-05
- Followup Grant: 1U01CA063673-01
- Followup Grant: 5U01CA063673-02
[dopaccordion title=”Goodman, Gary E. Caret
Grant: 1U01CA063674-01″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: CARET is an ongoing double-blind lung cancer chemoprevention trial of the efficacy and safety of tide combination of 30 mg beta-carotene and 25,000 IU retinyl palmitate daily in two high-risk populations: (a) male and female current and former smokers recruited primarily from insurance-based sources, and (b)males with extensive occupational asbestos exposure recruited primarily from employment-based sources. We have documented successful recruitment, excellent adherence, and minimal side effects in over 15,000 participants randomized thus fur at six study centers. Through 30 April, 1993, CARET has randomized 4,000 asbestos-exposed workers, exceeding accrual goals at all five CARET asbestos centers, and 11,105 heavy smokers. Seattle and Portland have exceeded their heavy smoker goals, and Irvine is on track to achieve its goal in July 1994. During the final five-year period, CARET will focus on retention, adherence to protocol, ascertainment of endpoints, monitoring of key design parameters, closeout of the trial, and analysis and publication. Projections indicate that with 14,240 smokers and 4,010 asbestos-exposed participants and 114,100 person-years of follow-up through February 1998, CARET will be capable of detecting a. 23% reduction in lung cancer incidence in the two high-risk populations combined, and 27%, 49%, 32%, and 35% reductions in the smokers, female smokers, male smokers, and asbestos-exposed subgroups, respectively. The Seattle Study Center has a unique responsibility for following the participants in the original smoker and asbestos-exposed worker pilot studies, as well as Seattle’s share of the CARET Efficacy cohort. Of the 1,845 Pilot participants recruited during 1985-1988, 1,524 (the Vanguard cohort) continued active participation. These Vanguard participants are monitored closely to evaluate toxicity potentially related to the cumulative dose of the study vitamins. The Seattle’ Study Center has surpassed its CARET Efficacy recruitment goals of smokers and asbestos- exposed workers, in part due to our recently approved access to recruit members of the American Association of Retired Persons. The Study Center will continue to emphasize the retention of participants and adherence to the CARET protocol. The collection of endpoints, which will be increasing during the final four years, has also become more prominent as recruitment activities cease. Our data and processing unit will focus on timely submission and reconciliation of data with the Coordinating Center. As the largest study center of CARET, we will play a prominent role in analysis and publication of CARET results.
Tags: All Trans Retinol, Asbestos, Cancer Prevention, Carotene, Chemoprevention, Drug Screening /evaluation, Human Therapy Evaluation, Lung Neoplasm, Nutrition Aspect Of Cancer, Tobacco Abuse Cancer Risk, Clinical Trial, Cooperative Study, Environment Related Neoplasm /cancer, Human Mortality, Mesothelioma, Occupational Hazard, Prognosis Blood Chemistry, Female, Human Subject, Male, Nutrition Related Tag, Spirometry
[dopaccordion title=”Goodman, Gary E. Caret: The Seattle Study Center
Grant: 5U01CA063674-02″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: CARET is an ongoing double-blind lung cancer chemoprevention trial of the efficacy and safety of tide combination of 30 mg beta-carotene and 25,000 IU retinyl palmitate daily in two high-risk populations: (a) male and female current and former smokers recruited primarily from insurance-based sources, and (b)males with extensive occupational asbestos exposure recruited primarily from employment-based sources. We have documented successful recruitment, excellent adherence, and minimal side effects in over 15,000 participants randomized thus fur at six study centers. Through 30 April, 1993, CARET has randomized 4,000 asbestos-exposed workers, exceeding accrual goals at all five CARET asbestos centers, and 11,105 heavy smokers. Seattle and Portland have exceeded their heavy smoker goals, and Irvine is on track to achieve its goal in July 1994. During the final five-year period, CARET will focus on retention, adherence to protocol, ascertainment of endpoints, monitoring of key design parameters, closeout of the trial, and analysis and publication. Projections indicate that with 14,240 smokers and 4,010 asbestos-exposed participants and 114,100 person-years of follow-up through February 1998, CARET will be capable of detecting a. 23% reduction in lung cancer incidence in the two high-risk populations combined, and 27%, 49%, 32%, and 35% reductions in the smokers, female smokers, male smokers, and asbestos-exposed subgroups, respectively. The Seattle Study Center has a unique responsibility for following the participants in the original smoker and asbestos-exposed worker pilot studies, as well as Seattle’s share of the CARET Efficacy cohort. Of the 1,845 Pilot participants recruited during 1985-1988, 1,524 (the Vanguard cohort) continued active participation. These Vanguard participants are monitored closely to evaluate toxicity potentially related to the cumulative dose of the study vitamins. The Seattle’ Study Center has surpassed its CARET Efficacy recruitment goals of smokers and asbestos- exposed workers, in part due to our recently approved access to recruit members of the American Association of Retired Persons. The Study Center will continue to emphasize the retention of participants and adherence to the CARET protocol. The collection of endpoints, which will be increasing during the final four years, has also become more prominent as recruitment activities cease. Our data and processing unit will focus on timely submission and reconciliation of data with the Coordinating Center. As the largest study center of CARET, we will play a prominent role in analysis and publication of CARET results.
Tags: All Trans Retinol, Asbestos, Cancer Prevention, Carotene, Chemoprevention, Drug Screening /evaluation, Human Therapy Evaluation, Lung Neoplasm, Nutrition Aspect Of Cancer, Tobacco Abuse Cancer Risk, Clinical Trial, Cooperative Study, Environment Related Neoplasm /cancer, Human Mortality, Mesothelioma, Occupational Hazard, Prognosis Blood Chemistry, Female, Human Subject, Male, Nutrition Related Tag, Spirometry
[dopaccordion title=”Gown, Allen M. Cytoskeletal Hybridoma Ab As Diagnostic Reagents
Grant: 2R01CA036250-04″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: The goal of this project is to generate monoclonal antibodies to different cytoskeletal proteins and use these antibodies as tissue-specific reagents in diagnostic surgical pathology. The cytoskeleton (particularly the intermediate filaments) of different cells is composed of different proteins, and antibodies capable of recognizing specific proteins are therefore useful as tissue-specific reagents. We intend to generate a panel of such hybridomas capable of recognizing different cells and use them to accurately determine the cellular nature of poorly differentiated neoplasms. Cytoskeleton from different normal and malignant human cells such as lymphocytes, lymphomas, melanomas, different carcinomas, different sarcomas, and neural tumors will be used as immunogens. Antibodies will be selected for their ability to react specifically with one cell type and not with others. Antigens recognized by the different antibodies will be determined by Western blot experiments. The different antibodies will be used to study the cell biology of the different cytoskeletal proteins. We will localize the different intermediate filament proteins in different cells by immunoelectron microscopy, asking if the different proteins are found in similar filaments or if they polymerize into homogeneous filaments. The protein composition of tonofilament bundles and desmosomes will also be investigated. Attempts at sequencing fragments of the different intermediate filament proteins will be undertaken by fragmenting the different proteins with proteases or cyanogen bromide and isolating fragments that retain the ability to react with the different antibodies. The amino acid sequence of these fragments will be determined. These studies should identify subtle differences in intermediate filament proteins, which then can be used to generate additional antibodies with greater specificity. (4)
Tags: Cell Components, Cytoskeleton, Cell Hybrids, Hybridomas, Immunological Preparations, Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunology, Antibody Specificity, Neoplasms Diagnosis, Immunodiagnosis Of Neoplasms, Neoplasms Immunology, Tumor Antigens, Pathology B Study Section Blood And Re System, Bone Marrow, Neoplasms Characteristics, Proteins Of Neoplasms, Neoplasms Classification And Staging, Neoplasms Of Body Cavities, Mesothelioma, Neoplasms Of Reproductive System, Breast Neoplasms, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Lung Neoplasms, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Oat Cell Carcinoma, Neoplasms Of Skeletal System, Osteogenic Sarcoma, Neoplastic Cells, Neoplastic Growth, Neoplasms Metastasis, Pigment Cell Neoplasms, Melanoma Cell Sorting, Laser, Diagnostic Tests, Biopsy, Dyes, Fluorescent Dyes And Probes, Halopyrimidine Nucleosides, Halouracil Nucleosides, 5-bromodeoxyuridine, Histochemistry And Cytochemistry (general), Human, Clinical, Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (elisa), Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Immunofluorescence, Immunology, Serology, Mammals, Rodents, Myomorpha, Mice (laboratory), Physical Separation, Electrofocusing, Radioautography, Radiotracers
- Followup Grant: 5R01CA036250-08
[dopaccordion title=”Gown, Allen M. Cytoskeletal Hybridoma Antibodies As Diagnostic Reagents
Grant: 5R01CA036250-05″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: The goal of this project is to generate monoclonal antibodies to different cytoskeletal proteins and use these antibodies as tissue-specific reagents in diagnostic surgical pathology. The cytoskeleton (particularly the intermediate filaments) of different cells is composed of different proteins, and antibodies capable of recognizing specific proteins are therefore useful as tissue-specific reagents. We intend to generate a panel of such hybridomas capable of recognizing different cells and use them to accurately determine the cellular nature of poorly differentiated neoplasms. Cytoskeleton from different normal and malignant human cells such as lymphocytes, lymphomas, melanomas, different carcinomas, different sarcomas, and neural tumors will be used as immunogens. Antibodies will be selected for their ability to react specifically with one cell type and not with others. Antigens recognized by the different antibodies will be determined by Western blot experiments. The different antibodies will be used to study the cell biology of the different cytoskeletal proteins. We will localize the different intermediate filament proteins in different cells by immunoelectron microscopy, asking if the different proteins are found in similar filaments or if they polymerize into homogeneous filaments. The protein composition of tonofilament bundles and desmosomes will also be investigated. Attempts at sequencing fragments of the different intermediate filament proteins will be undertaken by fragmenting the different proteins with proteases or cyanogen bromide and isolating fragments that retain the ability to react with the different antibodies. The amino acid sequence of these fragments will be determined. These studies should identify subtle differences in intermediate filament proteins, which then can be used to generate additional antibodies with greater specificity. (4)
Tags: Cell Components, Cytoskeleton, Cell Components, Cytoskeleton, Intermediate Filaments, Cell Hybrids, Hybridomas, Immunological Preparations, Monoclonal Antibodies, Immunology, Antibody Specificity, Neoplasms Diagnosis, Immunodiagnosis Of Neoplasms, Neoplasms Immunology, Tumor Antigens Blood And Re System, Bone Marrow, Neoplasms Characteristics, Proteins Of Neoplasms, Neoplasms Classification And Staging, Neoplasms Of Body Cavities, Mesothelioma, Neoplasms Of Reproductive System, Breast Neoplasms, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Lung Neoplasms, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Oat Cell Carcinoma, Neoplasms Of Skeletal System, Osteogenic Sarcoma, Neoplasms Of Skin, Melanoma, Neoplastic Cells, Neoplastic Growth, Neoplasms Metastasis Animals, Chordates, Mammals, Rodents, Myomorpha, Mice (laboratory), Cell Sorting, Laser, Diagnostic Tests, Biopsy, Dyes, Fluorescent Dyes And Probes, Halopyrimidine Nucleosides, Halouracil Nucleosides, 5-bromodeoxyuridine, Histochemistry And Cytochemistry, Human, Clinical, Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay (elisa), Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Immunoelectrophoresis, Immunological Tests And Immunoassay, Immunofluorescence, Immunology, Serology, Physical Separation, Electrofocusing, Radioautography, Radiotracers
- Followup Grant: 5R01CA036250-06
- Followup Grant: 5R01CA036250-07
[dopaccordion title=”Hellstrom, Ingegerd E. Mesothelin As Biomarker And Therapeutic Target
Grant: 1R01CA134487-01″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): Our overall goal is to gain better understanding of the immune response to ovarian carcinoma (OvC) and make possible earlier diagnosis and more effective therapy. Several years ago we constructed an ELISA to detect mesothelin in body fluids and showed that it may aid in the diagnosis of tumors which express this molecule, including OvC, to satisfy a great clinical need. We subsequently found that the molecule shed from tumor cells and detected by the ELISA is mesothelin variant 1. We recently constructed an assay for antibodies to native mesothelin. Preliminary data indicate that the antibodies are most frequent in OvC patients who are temporarily tumor-free following therapy and in younger women with ovarian autoimmunity (oophoritis), and that circulating antibodies and antigen coexist in some patients with advanced disease. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that when antigen concentrations are low (as in early stage disease), free antibodies are in excess and are more readily measured while in the presence of tumors expressing mesothelin, antigen is in excess and is more readily measured. Measuring both antigen and antibodies may aid diagnosis and monitoring of patients with OvC. Furthermore, the relative availability of antibodies and their ability to influence the host response may change during the course of disease and may affect therapeutic strategies, including immunotherapeutic approaches. We also hypothesize that circulating mesothelin, alone and as part of immune complexes, can facilitate the escape of tumors from immunological control by a mechanism that may involve immature APC and Treg cells, and that vaccination against mesothelin can be beneficial. We propose to test these hypotheses under three Specific Aims. First, we will investigate whether the levels of mesothelin and anti-mesothelin antibodies in sera from patients with OvC and women with ovarian autoimmunity correlate with their clinical state to aid diagnosis and prognosis. Second, we will evaluate mesothelin as a target for humoral and cell-mediated host responses to OvC. Third, we will study in egg-laying hens, which spontaneously develop OvC similar to the human counterpart, the relationship between circulating mesothelin and anti-mesothelin antibodies to tumor formation OvC and investigate whether the occurrence of OvC can be delayed or abrogated by vaccination against mesothelin. Our proposed study is based on novel observations, combines expertise in cancer immunology and autoimmunity and comprises studies both with human subjects and in an appropriate animal model. While we focus on OvC, the information obtained should be relevant also for other tumors that overexpress mesothelin, including mesothelioma and pancreatic carcinoma. PUBLIC HEALTH RELEVANCE: Earlier work by our group has demonstrated that most ovarian cancers express mesothelin and led to an assay that complements the previous `gold standard’ CA125 to facilitate diagnosis. We have recently constructed an assay to measure antibodies to mesothelin to improve diagnosis. The proposed work aims to evaluate this assay and also to develop immunotherapy targeting mesothelin.
Tags: There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
- Followup Grant: 5R01CA134487-02
[dopaccordion title=”Omenn, Gilbert S. Cancer Prevention With Retinol And Beta Carotene–asbestos Related Lung Disease
Grant: 5P01CA034847-040001″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: There is no text on file for this abstract.
Tags: Neoplasms Of Body Cavities, Mesothelioma, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Lung Neoplasms, Bronchogenic Carcinoma, Neoplasms Prevention And Control, Neoplastic Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Of Cancer, Nutrition Related Control Tag, Nutrition, Diet Therapeutic, Vitamin Therapy (all Routes Ofadministration), Respiratory Disorders, Pneumoconiosis, Silicates, Asbestos, Terpenes, Carotene, Therapy Evaluation, Vitamins, Vitamin A, All-trans Retinol Drugs Adverse Effects, Neoplasms Related Interest, Preneoplastic Conditions, Neoplastic Disease Epidemiology-statistics, Cancer Risk, Occupational Health, Occupational Diseases, Population Studies Human, Longitudinal Study, Psychology, Habits, Smoking Human, Clinical, Information Gathering (data Collection), Questionnaires
- Followup Grant: 5P01CA034847-050001
- Followup Grant: 5P50CA034847-020001
- Followup Grant: 5P50CA034847-030001
[dopaccordion title=”Omenn, Gilbert S. Efficacy Of Beta-carotene And Retinal In High Risk For Lung Cancer
Grant: 2P01CA034847-060001″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: This chemoprevention trial tests the efficacy of retinol and beta- carotene in preventing lung cancer in two related high-risk populations: (a) heavy smokers recruited from insurance-based sources, and (b) current and former workers with heavy occupational asbestos exposure recruited from workers’ compensation and employment-based sources. The double-blind, two-arm, randomized trial compares placebos with a daily combination of 30 mg beta- carotene plus 25,000 IU retinol. Successful recruitment, excellent compliance, and minimal side effects have been shown thus far in over 1700 subjects enrolled in our two current chemoprevention projects using these agents. We propose to integrate the two high- risk populations in a cost-effective, multi-clinic strategy for this efficacy trial, with Seattle coordinating center for project management and data analysis. During the first three years of the new grant period (1988-91) we will evaluate accrual, coordination, and costs in five geographically-dispersed clinic sites to generate best estimates of the remaining needs for the full-scale enrollment and follow-up. Current assumptions and projections indicate that the full-scale study will be capable of detecting significant reductions in lung cancer incidence in the high-risk groups combined, and in either subgroup alone, with 13,000 smokers and 4000 asbestos-exposed subjects.
Tags: Drugs Abuse, Smoking, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Lung Neoplasms, Bronchogenic Carcinoma, Neoplasms Prevention And Control, Neoplastic Disease Epidemiology-statistics, Cancer Risk, Nutrition Related Control Tag, Nutrition, Diet Therapeutic, Vitamin Therapy (all Routes Ofadministration), Silicates, Asbestos, Terpenes, Carotene, Therapy Evaluation, Human, Vitamins, Vitamin A, All-trans Retinol Dosage And Route, Dosage, Drugs Adverse Effects, Neoplasms Of Body Cavities, Mesothelioma, Neoplasms Related Interest, Preneoplastic Conditions, Neoplastic Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Of Cancer, Occupational Health And Safety, Occupational Diseases, Population Studies Human, Longitudinal Study, Respiratory Disorders, Pneumoconiosis Human, Clinical, Information Gathering (data Collection), Questionnaires
- Followup Grant: 5P01CA034847-070001
- Followup Grant: 5P01CA034847-090001
- Followup Grant: 3P01CA034847-10S20001
[dopaccordion title=”Omenn, Gilbert S. Cancer Prevention With Retinol In Persons With Asbestosis
Grant: 1P50CA034847-010001″ icon=27 activeicon=28]
Abstract: There is no text on file for this abstract.
Tags: Neoplasms Of Body Cavities, Mesothelioma, Neoplasms Of Respiratory System, Lung Neoplasms, Bronchogenic Carcinoma, Neoplasms Prevention And Control, Neoplastic Therapy, Nutritional Therapy Of Cancer, Nutrition Related Control Tag, Nutrition, Diet Therapeutic, Vitamin Therapy (all Routes Ofadministration), Respiratory Disorders, Pneumoconiosis, Therapy Evaluation, Vitamins, Vitamin A, All-trans Retinol Drugs Adverse Effects, Neoplasms Related Interest, Preneoplastic Conditions, Neoplastic Disease Epidemiology-statistics, Cancer Risk, Occupational Health, Occupational Diseases, Population Studies Human, Longitudinal Study, Silicates, Asbestos Human, Clinical, Information Gathering (data Collection), Questionnaires
Clinical Trials
[dopaccordion title=”Completed Erlotinib in Treating Patients With Malignant Mesothelioma of the Lung” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: erlotinib hydrochloride
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[dopaccordion title=”Suspended Everolimus in Treating Patients With Pleural Malignant Mesothelioma That Cannot Be Removed By Surgery” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: everolimus
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[dopaccordion title=”Active, not recruiting Gemcitabine Plus Cisplatin in Treating Patients With Malignant Mesothelioma of the Pleura That Cannot Be Removed by Surgery” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: cisplatin; Drug: gemcitabine hydrochloride
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[dopaccordion title=”Active, not recruiting PTK787/ZK 222584 in Treating Patients With Unresectable Malignant Mesothelioma” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: vatalanib
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[dopaccordion title=”Completed Gefitinib in Treating Patients With Malignant Mesothelioma” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: gefitinib
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[dopaccordion title=”Active, not recruiting Capecitabine in Treating Patients With Malignant Mesothelioma ” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: capecitabine
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[dopaccordion title=”Active, not recruiting Dasatinib in Treating Patients With Previously Treated Malignant Mesothelioma” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Malignant Mesothelioma
Intervention: Drug: dasatinib; Other: immunoenzyme technique; Other: immunohistochemistry staining method; Other: laboratory biomarker analysis
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[dopaccordion title=”Active, not recruiting Safety and Immune Response to a Multi-component Immune Based Therapy (MKC1106-PP) for Patients With Advanced Cancer.” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Ovarian; Melanoma; Renal; Prostate; Colorectal; Endometrial Carcinoma; Cervical Carcinoma; Testicular Cancer; Thyroid Cancer; Small Cell Lung Carcinoma; Mesothelioma; Breast Carcinoma; Esophageal Carcinoma; Gastric Cancer; Pancreatic Carcinoma; Neuroendocrine Cancer; Liver Cancer; Gallbladder Cancer; Biliary Tract Cancer; Anal Carcinoma; Bone Sarcomas; Soft Tissue Sarcomas; Carcinoma of Unknown Origin, Primary
Intervention: Biological: PSMA/PRAME
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[dopaccordion title=”Recruiting Collecting Tumor Samples From Patients With Gynecological Tumors” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Cancer
Intervention: Other: biologic sample preservation procedure
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[dopaccordion title=”Terminated Study of Pemetrexed for Second-Line Pancreas Cancer” icon=27 activeicon=28]
Condition: Pancreas Cancer
Intervention: Drug: pemetrexed
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[doptab title=”Doctors and Hospitals”]
Dr. Eric Vallieres
P.O. Box 356310
1959 NE Pacific
Seattle, WA 98195-6310
(206) 543-3093
Washington, D.C.
Cesar A. Moran, M.D.
Department of the Army
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
Washington, DC 20306
Dr. Paul Sugarbaker
Sugarbaker Oncology Associates, P.C.
110 Irving St., NW
Washington, DC 20010
(202) 877-3908
[doptab title=”Cases”]
Ronald Lunsford & Lunsford v. Saberhagen
No. 80728-1, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, October 30, 2008, Oral Argument, June 4, 2009, Filed
Lunsford v. Saberhagen Holdings, Inc.
No. 80728-1, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, October 30, 2008, Argued, June 4, 2009, Filed
Simonetta v. Viad Corp.
No. 80076-6, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, March 11, 2008, Argued, December 11, 2008, Filed
Braaten v. Saberhagen Holdings
No. 80251-3, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, March 11, 2008, Argued, December 11, 2008, Filed
Sales v. Weyerhaeuser Co.
No. 80472-9, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, November 29, 2007, Argued, February 7, 2008, Filed
Herring v. Texaco, Inc.
No. 78774-3, SUPREME COURT OF WASHINGTON, May 17, 2007, Argued, August 9, 2007, Filed
Cashman v. Pac. Scientific Co.
NO. 61913-6-I, COURT OF APPEALS OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION ONE, June 1, 2009, Oral Argument, August 24, 2009, Filed
Kimball v. Asbestos Corp.
No. 60851-7-I, COURT OF APPEALS OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION ONE, November 10, 2008, Filed
Taylor v. Union Carbide Corp.
No. 37317-3-II, COURT OF APPEALS OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION TWO, November 4, 2008, Filed
Payne v. Saberhagen Holdings, Inc.
No. 58638-6-I, COURT OF APPEALS OF WASHINGTON, DIVISION ONE, August 18, 2008, Filed
[doptab title=”Lawyers”]
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