BLM Gene Mutation Increases Mesothelioma Risk, Study Finds

BLM Gene Mutation Increases Mesothelioma Risk, Study Finds

New research suggests an inherited mutation on the BLM gene increases susceptibility to deadly malignant mesothelioma. The research comes from the University of Hawaii, one of the world’s top locations for mesothelioma research.  Researcher Michele Carbone and his team sequenced the DNA of 155 mesothelioma patients. They found that people who are missing one BLM gene are much more likely to contract mesothelioma – especially if they are exposed to asbestos.  If people know they have the BLM gene mutation, they could potentially cut their risk for mesothelioma by being especially mindful of asbestos exposure.  Genetic Susceptibility to Mesothelioma Asbestos exposure is the primary cause of malignant mesothelioma. Some people who live or work around asbestos develop mesothelioma years later….