Tailoring Mesothelioma Treatment with Accurate Subtype Identification

Tailoring Mesothelioma Treatment with Accurate Subtype Identification

A new study is exploring a new method for classifying mesothelioma subtypes. It offers hope for more accurate diagnoses and tailored treatments. Improving Mesothelioma Prognosis Mesothelioma is a type of aggressive cancer caused by asbestos exposure. The diagnosis and treatment of mesothelioma are challenging. This is due to its late detection and non-specific symptoms. Mesothelioma is classified into three subtypes based on how the cancer cells look. The three types are: epithelioid, biphasic, and sarcomatoid. Each subtype has unique characteristics and can mean different things to a patient’s outlook. Accurately identifying the subtype is crucial for determining treatment options for patients. Currently, doctors will identify a patient’s subtype just by looking at their cancer cells under a microscope. There is…