Revolutionizing Mesothelioma Treatment: The Breakthrough of Cytokine Factories

Revolutionizing Mesothelioma Treatment: The Breakthrough of Cytokine Factories

A study published in August explores an effective new treatment for advanced-stage mesothelioma. Researchers are testing “cytokine factories” for mesothelioma treatment. Promising Immunotherapy Treatment for Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive type of cancer. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to a toxic mineral called asbestos. It is hard to diagnose mesothelioma because its symptoms could also be caused by more common diseases. It usually requires many tests to diagnose mesothelioma. The delay in diagnosis also delays treatment. Conventional treatments for mesothelioma generally consist of chemotherapy, surgery, and sometimes radiation therapy. Of all three, chemotherapy is the most one-size-fits-all approach because only one chemotherapy drug combination is FDA-approved for mesothelioma. Surgery requires the most expertise and there are only a…