Blood Biomarkers Could Revolutionize Mesothelioma Treatment Monitoring

Blood Biomarkers Could Revolutionize Mesothelioma Treatment Monitoring

Researchers from Turkey think that biomarkers in the blood can help doctors find out if their mesothelioma patients are responding well to chemotherapy. This new study was published in the journal Cancer Biomarkers. Precision Medicine in Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that is caused by asbestos. It develops in the think layer of tissue that covers many of the body’s internal organs. Most cases of mesothelioma occur in the lungs or the abdomen. The standard treatment for mesothelioma includes a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The exact treatment plan is unique to each patient. Their doctor will consider the type of mesothelioma, how far it has spread, and the health of the patient. Chemotherapy is the…