Mesothelioma Response to Immunotherapy
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Mesothelioma Response to Immunotherapy

A new study published in Frontiers in Immunology shows that doctors may be able to tell which patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma will respond better to immunotherapy. If doctors can tell which patients will benefit from immunotherapy, they can create better treatment plans for this aggressive type of cancer. Treatment Options Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a cancer that develops in the lining of the lungs. It is caused by asbestos and is tough to treat. MPM is a rare cancer, and the standard therapies are limited. This usually involves surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Mesothelioma patients can move from one type of treatment to another and, if their doctors agree, can sometimes use them in combination. Even with treatment, the…

Gut Response to Mesothelioma Treatment

Gut Response to Mesothelioma Treatment

An international team of researchers have found that the bacteria in the gut and tumors can affect how well someone responds to treatment for mesothelioma. The researchers looked at data from 86 patients with malignant mesothelioma. They studied the different types of bacteria in their tumors and how it affected their survival rates. Conventional Treatment Malignant mesothelioma is a rare cancer that affects the lining of organs like the lungs and abdominal cavity. It usually has a poor prognosis and limited treatment options. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to asbestos. Conventional treatment for malignant mesothelioma typically includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The exact treatment plan will depend on many factors. Doctors will consider the type of mesothelioma, the condition of…

Role of Mesothelioma Tumor Thickness

Role of Mesothelioma Tumor Thickness

A group of researchers from the University of Texas have found a connection between mesothelioma tumor thickness and patients’ response to therapy and survival. This study looked at 143 patients who had malignant pleural mesothelioma and received treatment before having surgery. The researchers wanted to see if the thickness of the tumor before and after treatment could predict how well the patient would respond to the therapy and how long they would survive. Conventional Treatment Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers the lungs and chest wall. Pleural mesothelioma occurs in about 2,000 people in the United States every year. Conventional treatment may include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy…

How Do We Know If the Treatment is Working? Measuring Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment Response
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How Do We Know If the Treatment is Working? Measuring Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Treatment Response

Malignant pleural mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer. A growing number of mesotheliomas are being treated with novel immunotherapies. But clinicians still lack a meaningful way to measure mesothelioma treatment response. An article in Seminars in Nuclear Medicine lists five ways clinicians can measure how well a treatment plan is working. And a new artificial intelligence tool can measure mesothelioma tumors without any human input. Artificial intelligence may provide the key to treatment response in the future. Measuring Mesothelioma Treatment Response In malignant pleural mesothelioma, complex tumors result in inconsistent clinical assessment. There are five common ways to measure if a treatment plan is working. Generally, a clinician will look to see if the size or weight of a tumor has…