Uncovering the Hidden Risks: Work-Related Cancers in Northern Africa

Uncovering the Hidden Risks: Work-Related Cancers in Northern Africa

Cancer is a major global health concern, with exposure at work being a significant cause. A new study by the Tunisian Institute of Occupational Health and Safety looks at work-related cancer cases from 2015 to 2020. Understanding the impact Certain jobs expose people to cancer risks, like mesothelioma, lung, and breast cancer. Mesothelioma is one of the world’s deadliest cancers. It is caused by breathing in or swallowing asbestos dust. This usually happens at work. The dust may look harmless enough. But microscopic asbestos fibers are like shards of cancer-causing glass. They become embedded in the tissue and wreak havoc over time. It can take decades for mesothelioma to develop after occupational asbestos exposure. But once it does, patients usually…