Paul Kraus Survived 3 Different Cancers – here’s what he knows that other cancer sufferers don’t
Paul Kraus is one of the few people alive who has survived three different cancers – mesothelioma, prostate cancer and brain cancer. How he did this is important for any cancer sufferer to know.
1. He is considered the longest document mesothelioma survivor in the world
Mesothelioma is the asbestos caused cancer and Paul was diagnosed in 1997 with mesothelioma so widespread that he was given little hope of survival. At that time, the median survival with the best treatment in the world was 1-2 years. Today, Paul has survived over 20 years which makes him the longest documented survivor of this deadly cancer in the entire world.
2. He has already survived prostate cancer for 6 years
Paul was diagnosed in January 2012 with prostate cancer and a Gleason score of 8 from the biopsy. According to the American Cancer Society “Cancers with Gleason scores of 8 to 10 may be called poorly differentiated or high-grade. These cancers are likely to grow and spread more quickly.” In Paul’s case a PET scan two years later revealed small metastases to the bone. The doctors agreed that these metastases may have been there since the initial diagnosis.
3. He was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2012
In 2012 Paul was having difficulty remembering common words and was unable to focus when reading for any length of time. A brain scan was ordered which revealed a meningioma in the left frontal lobe the size of a grapefruit. It had already displacing the midline of the brain and was impinging on the optic nerve. Amazingly he had not suffered from headaches or seizures. The brain surgeon was concerned that during the removal he may have caused a stroke but after eight hours of surgery Paul retained all of his mental faculties.
4. He never had chemotherapy or radiation for any of his cancers
When Paul was diagnosed with mesothelioma he was told he had about a year to live. Not willing to give up, he worked with a team of doctors to create his own tailored protocol. This protocol included dramatic life style change, experimental therapies, dietary changes, mind-body medicine, and other modalities. For his prostate cancer he used: hyperthermia, ozone therapy, magnetic therapy, intravenous Vitamin C, and a weak dose of the anti-androgen drug called Casodex. He also used the same antioxidants, vitamins, herbs, and minerals for both mesothelioma and prostate cancer, but he added herbs specific to the prostate. Surgery was required urgently to remove the brain tumor. For all his cancers he worked with leading doctors from throughout the world.
5. Today, he is doing great
Paul has not had a recurrence of mesothelioma in over 20 years. For his prostate cancer, his PSA has stabilized. He does not have any symptoms from either the mesothelioma or the prostate cancer and the oncologist suggested that he keeps on with his natural regime. His brain cancer has not recurred either. After being diagnosed with brain cancer, he took all of his supplements to the hospital and within 24 hours was keeping up his anti-cancer regime. His wife Sue brought vegetable juices into the hospital every day. Within 24 hours he was able to walk a short way down the corridor which the hospital staff felt was amazing. To this point the tumor has not regrown.
6. He was born in a labor camp during WWII
Paul was born on October 20, 1944 in a Nazi forced labor camp in Austria. Poor nutrition, lack of hygiene, shootings by the Nazis, and bombings by the Allied Forces caused many deaths at the camp. As a newborn, his mother and his 2 year brother escaped and traveled across worn torn Europe to be free. Paul has been facing adversity and surviving various tests and trials since before he was born.
7. He has dedicated much of his life to helping others
Paul has shared the details of his philosophy on healing in his various books so that others may learn from his experiences. He believes that the body has the ability to heal itself if it is given the necessary ingredients. He also believes in modern medicine including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery. However, if these modalities do not offer a cure or quality of life, Paul believes that the patient should explore the whole universe of healing modalities. A testimonial in one of his books is from the great Bernie Siegel, M.D. who said, “Paul Kraus’ book has all the information a cancer patient needs to have in order to learn what survival behavior is about.”
What To Do Now…
Click here and request your copy of Paul’s book: “Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers”