Combining Cytology and Immunology for a Less Invasive Mesothelioma Diagnosis
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Combining Cytology and Immunology for a Less Invasive Mesothelioma Diagnosis

An invasive surgical or tissue biopsy is often required to get a definitive mesothelioma diagnosis. But a new hybrid exam might offer an alternative for mesothelioma patients. It involves the combination of cytology and immunology. Cytology tests look at the cells in body fluids. It is the analysis of a patient’s cells under a microscope. And immunology is the study of the immune system. Together, these two areas of science provide new hope for mesothelioma patients. The Tokyo Medical University in Japan has been looking into advanced diagnostic options. They believe that a combination of cytology and immunology methods can lead to a definitive diagnosis. This is good news for mesothelioma patients. It will mean a quicker mesothelioma diagnosis without…

Diagnostic Accuracy of Lung Fluid Tests for Mesothelioma
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Diagnostic Accuracy of Lung Fluid Tests for Mesothelioma

Researchers in Germany say the diagnostic accuracy of lung fluid tests for mesothelioma is high enough that they can be routinely used for diagnosis.  Right now, if mesothelioma is suspected, doctors may order a fluid test first. If the fluid test (cytology) is positive, the doctor usually orders a tissue biopsy (histology) to confirm.  But the German team says their study shows that the diagnostic accuracy of cytology is almost as good as histology for mesothelioma – especially when doctors consider the patient’s hyaluronic acid level, too. Scientists from several German institutions analyzed cytology tests from more than 4,500 suspected cases of pleural mesothelioma. They conclude that cytology is accurate enough to be used routinely for diagnosis.  The Importance of…

Mesothelioma and Metastatic Cancer: New Test Can Reliably Tell the Difference
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Mesothelioma and Metastatic Cancer: New Test Can Reliably Tell the Difference

Italian scientists have come up with what they believe is a nearly foolproof way to tell the difference between mesothelioma and metastatic cancer.  Malignant mesothelioma is a membrane cancer caused by asbestos exposure. Metastatic cancer can start anywhere in the body. It can cause tumors on the pleural membrane that may be mistaken for mesothelioma.  It is important for doctors to distinguish between these two types of malignancies. Mesothelioma and metastatic cancer are often treated differently. The Italian researchers say two biomarkers may make it easier to know which is which.  The Difference Between Mesothelioma and Metastatic Cancer Metastatic cancer or metastatic carcinoma is cancer that has spread to another part of the body from where it started. This usually…

Exposed to Asbestos? Lung Fluid Test May Waste Valuable Time
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Exposed to Asbestos? Lung Fluid Test May Waste Valuable Time

If you have been exposed to asbestos and your doctor sees a mesothelioma tumor on your CT scan, it may be a waste of time to do a lung fluid test, too. Many different types of cancer cause excess lung fluid or pleural effusions. Looking for cancer cells in pleural effusions is one of the ways doctors test for cancers like pleural mesothelioma. This is called effusion cytology. But a new study says this test may not be very reliable for people with malignant mesothelioma. If other factors point to mesothelioma, they say it makes more sense to skip effusion cytology and go straight to a biopsy. Mesothelioma Develops in People Exposed to Asbestos Pleural mesothelioma is a type of…