Cracking the Code of Mesothelioma: Understanding the Grading System

Cracking the Code of Mesothelioma: Understanding the Grading System

Mesothelioma, a rare disease linked to asbestos exposure, is a tough challenge for patients. But, in the last ten years, a special grading system has emerged. This system helps to predict outcomes for a specific type called epithelioid mesothelioma. A new article explains the development of this grading system, why it’s important, where it falls short, and what might come next for understanding mesothelioma. Mesothelioma’s tough prognosis has been a big problem for doctors. They needed a way to better predict what might happen to patients. That’s where the grading system for epithelioid mesothelioma comes in. The Birth of a Prognostic Powerhouse In the past ten years, a special grading system just for epithelioid mesothelioma has become important. Expert groups,…

New Mesothelioma Grading System: A Better Path to Prognosis?
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New Mesothelioma Grading System: A Better Path to Prognosis?

A team of Australian researchers have developed a new mesothelioma grading system they believe is a more accurate method for predicting outcomes. The system assigns weighted scores based on things like mesothelioma subtype, the shape of the nuclei, BAP1 loss and other parameters. A higher score suggests the patient’s mesothelioma case may be more challenging to treat. Tests of the system in more than 350 patients show that it is highly accurate.  The team lays out their new mesothelioma grading system in a recent issue of the American Journal of Surgical Pathology. In the article, they make the case for why this new prognostic tool could be a helpful supplement to the current, more widely-used WHO system.  The Importance of…