Navigating Mesothelioma Diagnosis: The Power of Uroplakin-IIIb

Navigating Mesothelioma Diagnosis: The Power of Uroplakin-IIIb

Figuring out if someone has mesothelioma or lung cancer can be tricky for doctors. They often use special tests called immunohistochemical stains to help them. But sometimes, these tests are not specific enough on their own. Recently, a big study found a potential new marker called uroplakin-IIIb (UpIIIb). It might be really good at telling if someone has mesothelioma. Decoding Mesothelioma and Diagnostic Accuracy Mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. Three different types of mesothelioma are identified based on the shape of the cancer cells. About half of mesothelioma cases are the epithelioid type, and 10% are the sarcomatoid type. The rest of mesothelioma cases are a mix of epithelioid and sarcomatoid, and this type is…