Mesothelioma Mimics Ovarian Cancer: Lessons from a Case Report
Mesothelioma mimics ovarian cancer in a new report by Radiology Case Reports. Mesothelioma is a rare and very aggressive tumor of the peritoneum. Similar clinical and imaging presentations mean mesothelioma mimics ovarian cancer at times. Yet, a history of asbestosis exposure is key as the main risk factor for mesothelioma. Imaging plays a key role in getting the diagnosis correct. It narrows down the diagnosis possibilities. Ultrasound-guided biopsy with histological study can confirm a mesothelioma diagnosis. Case Report Misdiagnosis The Bangladesh National Institute of Oncology recently published a case report. A 42-year-old woman reported pelvic pain and progressive abdominal distension. An abdominal ultrasound revealed a high volume anechoic peritoneal effusion. Further investigation showed extensive peritoneal disease and bilateral ovarian tissue…