Mesothelioma and COVID-19 Have Similar Psychological Challenges
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Mesothelioma and COVID-19 Have Similar Psychological Challenges

Researchers in Italy say malignant mesothelioma and COVID-19 present patients with similar psychological challenges. In both cases, group therapy may help. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer of the lung lining. COVID-19 is the respiratory illness caused by the SARS-CoV2 virus. The two illnesses may not seem to have much in common.  But psychology researchers at the University of Turin say there are similarities between mesothelioma and COVID-19. They say understanding how mesothelioma affects patients psychologically could help providers support people with COVID-19.  Coping with Pleural Mesothelioma and COVID-19 Pleural mesothelioma is usually the result of asbestos exposure. Most people who receive a mesothelioma diagnosis either worked with asbestos or lived near it. Many of them had no idea…

Understanding the Psychological Effects of Mesothelioma
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Understanding the Psychological Effects of Mesothelioma

A new study is shedding light on the psychological effects of mesothelioma on patients and their caregivers.  Researchers at the University of Sheffield in the UK reviewed more than 35 years worth of medical literature to find relevant studies. They say the psychological effects of mesothelioma revolve around timelines, emotions, and communication. They also suggest that more should be done to understand the unique burdens of mesothelioma caregivers.  Rarity of Mesothelioma May Impact the Psychological Effects  Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive cancer of internal membranes. It can be a lonely disease for caregivers and patients. Only about 2,500 Americans receive a mesothelioma diagnosis each year making it one of the rarest types of cancer. In many cases, a family may…

Depression After Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Women Are at Highest Risk
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Depression After Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Women Are at Highest Risk

White women are more likely than other patients to experience depression after mesothelioma diagnosis.  That word comes from researchers at the University of Florida. The team analyzed the cases of more than 120,000 patients with late-stage cancer.  Although all patients face a risk of depression with an advanced cancer diagnosis, the problem appears to be worse among white women.  The research team says understanding how cancer news affects patients can help doctors avoid diagnosis bias.   Cancer Records from the SEER Database The Florida study provides important insights into who is likely to get depression after mesothelioma diagnosis.  The study included 123,066 advanced cancer cases from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database. All study subjects received their diagnosis between…

Stress in Mesothelioma Patients During the Holidays
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Stress in Mesothelioma Patients During the Holidays

Every mesothelioma sufferer feels it, but there is very little data on emotional stress in mesothelioma patients and asbestos-exposed people. That is the conclusion of a group of Italian researchers earlier this year. The study is important to revisit during the holidays when mesothelioma patients may feel pressured to be cheerful. According to the Italian team, mesothelioma sufferers and asbestos-exposed people have some special emotional needs. The few studies that exist on the subject suggest that denying these problems may make people sicker. Studying the Studies The team found 12 studies published between 1980 and 2016 on stress in mesothelioma patients. The number of papers on the emotional needs of asbestos-exposed people was even lower. There were only nine of…