Breaking Down the Three Types of Mesothelioma: Insights from Recent Research

Breaking Down the Three Types of Mesothelioma: Insights from Recent Research

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that affects a special lining around our organs called the mesothelium. Mesothelioma most commonly grows in the lungs. It is caused by exposure to a toxic material called asbestos. Understanding Mesothelioma: Types, Causes, and Diagnosis There are different types of mesothelioma that each have unique qualities. Identifying the specific type of mesothelioma that someone has is important. It can help their doctors understand how the cancer behaves and how best to treat it. There are three main categories: epithelioid, biphasic, and sarcomatoid. But, figuring out which category a case of mesothelioma falls into can be tricky. This is because the cancer cells can look different even within the same tumor. This is where…

New Mesothelioma Subtype Called Mesothelioma in Situ

New Mesothelioma Subtype Called Mesothelioma in Situ

The 2015 WHO classification of pleural mesothelioma included three histological subtypes. The new fourth mesothelioma subtype is called mesothelioma in situ. It is a very early form of mesothelioma. Previous studies suggest that it may be a precursor to invasive mesothelioma. If patients know they have it, they may have years to try to keep mesothelioma from developing. Pathologists can tell the difference between the subtypes by looking at the cells under a microscope. Each subtype has a slightly different cell shape, growth pattern, and nuclear characteristics. Four Subtypes of Mesothelioma Pleural mesothelioma is a very rare type of cancer. Only about 2,500 people in the US receive a mesothelioma diagnosis every year. Asbestos inhalation is the primary cause of pleural mesothelioma. Most people with pleural…

Mesothelioma Subtypes Often Misclassified by Biopsy
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Mesothelioma Subtypes Often Misclassified by Biopsy

Pleural biopsy is not perfect when it comes to telling the difference between the three mesothelioma subtypes. But misclassification could lead to shorter survival.  That is the conclusion reached by top mesothelioma researchers in Brescia, Italy.  They compared autopsy records from 134 Italian mesothelioma patients. The patients were either shipyard workers or their spouses. The researchers found that the mesothelioma subtypes identified from biopsy tissue were incorrect a large percent of the time. Misclassification matters because it impacts which mesothelioma treatments doctors choose.  The Three Mesothelioma Subtypes Pleural mesothelioma is an aggressive malignancy on the lung lining. It is caused by exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma cells fall into three mesothelioma subtypes based on certain cellular characteristics. Pleural mesothelioma is notoriously…