Decisions About Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma: New Tool May Help
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Decisions About Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma: New Tool May Help

Researchers in the UK have developed a new tool that may help patients with mesothelioma and other pleural cancers make decisions about pleural effusion.  Pleural effusion is the buildup of excess fluid in the space around the lungs. It is a common side effect in people with advanced lung or breast cancer or pleural mesothelioma.  It can be complicated and time-consuming to make decisions about pleural effusion treatment. There are many different ways to handle the problem.  The UK research team developed a web-based decision support tool with input from patients, clinicians, and caregivers. The tool uses videos and questions to help patients decide on the best course of treatment for their unique situation. Pleural Effusion and Treatment Options The pleura…

Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma: Comparing Solutions
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Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma: Comparing Solutions

A new study says, when it comes to pleural effusion in mesothelioma, the two main solutions are pretty equal – with one exception.  Pleural effusion is a buildup of fluid in the space around the lungs. Over time, this fluid restricts the lungs and makes it hard to breathe. The problem is common in several types of cancer, including malignant mesothelioma.  In a new report, Taiwanese and Hong Kong researchers compared the two primary ways of dealing with pleural effusion in mesothelioma. They conclude that the two methods work equally well. But one of them usually means a longer hospital stay. Understanding Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma The pleura are layers of thin membranes that surround the lungs. Pleural mesothelioma tumors…

Talc Pleurodesis for Mesothelioma May Extend Survival
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Talc Pleurodesis for Mesothelioma May Extend Survival

A UK study suggests that successful talc pleurodesis for mesothelioma improves survival better than other lung fluid treatments.  Researchers in Oxford’s Chest Diseases Department analyzed the outcomes of two groups of pleural mesothelioma patients. Both groups underwent talc pleurodesis for mesothelioma.  The patients whose lung fluid did not come back after treatment experienced longer survival. Mesothelioma patients who had to be retreated did not live as long.  Pleural Effusion in Mesothelioma The pleura is a membrane that surrounds and encases the lungs. It is supposed to be flexible and allow the lungs to move when a person breathes.  But patients with pleural mesothelioma often develop pleural effusion. Pleural effusion is a build-up of excess fluid in the space between the…

Talc Pleurodesis Patients Need Alternate PET/CT Scan for Mesothelioma
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Talc Pleurodesis Patients Need Alternate PET/CT Scan for Mesothelioma

Certain patients may get more benefit out of an alternate type of PET/CT scan for mesothelioma. Positron emission tomography (PET) is a common tool for diagnosing mesothelioma. It is also used to monitor the effectiveness of mesothelioma treatments. Doctors often combine PET with computed tomography (CT) for an even clearer picture of mesothelioma progression. Typically, a PET/CT scan for mesothelioma involves injection of a tracer called FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose). But it turns out that PET/CT scans with this tracer do not work well for all mesothelioma patients. A new Japanese study suggests that mesothelioma patients who have had a procedure called talc pleurodesis should consider a different kind of PET/CT scan instead. How Does Talc Pleurodesis Impact PET/CT Scan for Mesothelioma?…

Response to Talc Treatment May Predict Mesothelioma Prognosis
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Response to Talc Treatment May Predict Mesothelioma Prognosis

How well a mesothelioma patient’s lungs respond to a procedure designed to eliminate excess lung fluid may be a better predictor of survival than the stage or subtype of their cancer. A group of pathologists and thoracic surgeons in Italy came to that conclusion after evaluating the cases of 172 mesothelioma patients who underwent a procedure called talc pleurodesis or talc poudrage. Talc pleurodesis is designed to prevent a buildup of lung fluid that is common in mesothelioma patients and causes unpleasant symptoms like shortness of breath. After the lung fluid (also called pleural effusion) is drained, the space between the two pleural layers is filled with talc. The talc acts as a chemical irritant causing inflammation and fibrosis which…