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Mesothelioma Treatment Roadmap: Connecting Chemotherapy Response and Surgical Outcomes
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Mesothelioma Treatment Roadmap: Connecting Chemotherapy Response and Surgical Outcomes

Mesothelioma patients who do not respond well to chemotherapy before surgery are likely to have poor outcomes after the procedure. This is the finding of a group of researchers from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. How Chemotherapy Response Shapes Mesothelioma Surgery Outcomes Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is hard to diagnose and treat. It develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the body’s internal organs. Mesothelioma is caused by exposure to a toxic mineral called asbestos. In most cases, doctors will use more than one type of treatment to remove as many cancer cells as possible from a patient’s body. The standard therapies include chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. Of all…

Unveiling the Mesothelioma Risk Posed by Exposure to Asbestos

Unveiling the Mesothelioma Risk Posed by Exposure to Asbestos

Asbestos is a toxic mineral found naturally throughout the world. Exposure to asbestos can cause people to develop mesothelioma, which is a rare and aggressive cancer. A new study looked how the risk for developing mesothelioma and lung cancer for people who live around asbestos in Tehran, Iran. Asbestos: A Fireproof, Deadly Fiber Even though asbestos is toxic to humans, people have used it in many industries because of its special qualities. It is almost impossible to set it on fire, it is nearly impossible to corrode, and it is composed of fibers so that it can be woven into other materials. It is also cheap because it can be taken out of the ground and does not have to…

Decoding the BAP1 Gene: How Family History Can Influence Tumor Risks
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Decoding the BAP1 Gene: How Family History Can Influence Tumor Risks

A group of doctors and scientists from Europe and the UK got together to create guidelines to help people with changes to their BAP1 gene. This gene helps prevent tumors in our bodies. Changes in this gene can make people more likely to get different kinds of tumors, like mesothelioma. These changes run in families and are passed down from parents. BAP1 Gene Changes and Their Link to Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that is caused by asbestos exposure, but having certain BAP1 gene changes can make someone more susceptible to this disease. These gene changes are passed down in families and can be tested for. If someone has the gene change, their family members can also…

Breaking Down the Costs: Immunotherapy as Mesothelioma Treatment
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Breaking Down the Costs: Immunotherapy as Mesothelioma Treatment

It is not a secret that cancer treatments can be expensive. Researchers from Switzerland looked at whether immunotherapy is worth the cost compared to chemotherapy for mesothelioma. For this study, the researchers specifically looked at pleural mesothelioma. This type of mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that affects the lining of the lungs. It is often caused by being exposed to a toxic material called asbestos. Unleashing the Immune System: Immunotherapy vs. Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma Conventional treatments for mesothelioma generally consist of chemotherapy, surgery, and sometimes radiation therapy. The exact treatment plan depends on the individual patient. This includes their health, the type of mesothelioma they have, and how much the cancer has spread. Chemotherapy uses toxic drugs that…

Examining the Hype: Lackluster Performance of New Mesothelioma Treatment
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Examining the Hype: Lackluster Performance of New Mesothelioma Treatment

Researchers have found that povidone-iodine treatment does not improve survival in mesothelioma patients. The study comes from King’s College and Guy’s Hospital in the United Kingdom. Survival in Mesothelioma Patients Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that is rare and hard to treat. It is caused by exposure to asbestos and usually occurs in the lungs or abdomen. The prognosis for mesothelioma patients is poor, but survival can be improved with a treatment plan that includes surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Researchers have been looking for decades for different ways to improve the survival of people with mesothelioma. One idea that is promising is using a solution called povidone-iodine during surgery. It is used to remove mesothelioma tissue from a patient….

Safer Surgery for Mesothelioma Patients: Promising Strategies Revealed in Recent Study

Safer Surgery for Mesothelioma Patients: Promising Strategies Revealed in Recent Study

Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania tested four strategies to make mesothelioma surgery safer for patients. Enhancing Mesothelioma Surgery Safety Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer caused by asbestos. It is found in the lining of organs in the body. The most common locations for mesothelioma are in the lungs and abdomen. In this study, the patients had mesothelioma in the lungs. The treatment plan for mesothelioma usually combines multiple therapies. The conventional treatment strategy is surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. One type of surgery for mesothelioma is called pleurectomy and decortication (P/D). This surgery is performed by a thoracic surgeon. The surgeon first removes as much of the diseased lung membrane as possible (pleurectomy). The second step is to…

Why Genetic Testing for Mesothelioma Patients Is Now Essential
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Why Genetic Testing for Mesothelioma Patients Is Now Essential

A new study published in JAMA Network Open recommends that doctors should run genetic tests on their mesothelioma patients to make sure they get the right care. The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Chicago and the University of Wisconsin. Mesothelioma is a serious type of cancer that mainly affects the lungs and abdomen. People with this cancer usually don’t live very long, around 18 months on average. The place where the cancer is found can affect how long someone lives.  People with mesothelioma in the abdomen might live a bit longer than those with it in the lungs. The main cause of mesothelioma is being exposed to asbestos. There is also a chance that some people…

Can TAMs Hold the Key to Stopping Cancer’s Advances?

Can TAMs Hold the Key to Stopping Cancer’s Advances?

TAMs are important cells found in cancer tumors. TAMs or tumor associated macrophages cause inflammation and stop the body from fighting the cancer. When a person has a lot of these cells, it means their cancer is harder to treat. A new study published in Frontiers in Immunology looked at whether using a drug to target TAMs can stop the spread of cancer. Targeting TAMs to Halt Cancer Spread Revealed in Recent Study The researchers in the study used a drug called alpha-ChemR23. This drug stops the TAMs from working, which might also stop the cancer tumors from spreading. They tested this drug in tumor samples taken from healthy people and from people with either breast cancer or mesothelioma in…

Blood Biomarkers Could Revolutionize Mesothelioma Treatment Monitoring

Blood Biomarkers Could Revolutionize Mesothelioma Treatment Monitoring

Researchers from Turkey think that biomarkers in the blood can help doctors find out if their mesothelioma patients are responding well to chemotherapy. This new study was published in the journal Cancer Biomarkers. Precision Medicine in Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive cancer that is caused by asbestos. It develops in the think layer of tissue that covers many of the body’s internal organs. Most cases of mesothelioma occur in the lungs or the abdomen. The standard treatment for mesothelioma includes a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. The exact treatment plan is unique to each patient. Their doctor will consider the type of mesothelioma, how far it has spread, and the health of the patient. Chemotherapy is the…

Exploring the First Case of Mesothelioma in a California Sea Lion

Exploring the First Case of Mesothelioma in a California Sea Lion

Researchers have reported the first known case of pleural mesothelioma in a California sea lion. Sea lions are predisposed to growing tumors in different organs. Understanding Pleural Mesothelioma Pleural mesothelioma is a rare disease that affects the lining of the lungs. It is caused by asbestos exposure. When tiny asbestos fibers are inhaled by someone, they can get stuck in the lining of the lungs and cause inflammation. This inflammation leads to the growth of tumors. The symptoms of pleural mesothelioma can be hard to identify. A person might feel shortness of breath due to fluid around the lung, chest pain, cough, and fatigue. It can often take around 40 years for pleural mesothelioma to begin. Imaging studies such as…