peritoneal mesothelioma surgery with HIPEC
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Revolutionizing Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Breakthrough Blood Test Method

A study conducted by researchers from China is the first to use a new method to analyze blood samples of people with mesothelioma. The method is called gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The researchers were hoping that this method would help them find mesothelioma biomarkers in blood samples. A Promising Step Forward Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that develops from the thin layer of tissue that covers many of the body’s internal organs. Pleural mesothelioma grows in the lungs. Peritoneal mesothelioma grows in the abdomen. This cancer is caused by exposure to a toxic material called asbestos. Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed after a person goes to a doctor because they are experiencing symptoms. These symptoms depend on the type of…

New Mesothelioma Blood Test Could Lead to Earlier Diagnosis
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New Mesothelioma Blood Test Could Lead to Earlier Diagnosis

A new mesothelioma blood test promises an earlier diagnosis for patients. An article in BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease explains the new breakthrough. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is the asbestos-caused cancer. It is often diagnosed only in the advanced stage. This is because its early symptoms are also associated with other respiratory diseases. Finding a way to identify mesothelioma from other respiratory diseases is important. It helps doctors apply effective treatment strategies. And it increases the mesothelioma patient survival rate. Distinguishing Mesothelioma from Lung Cancer There is a well-known association between asbestos exposure and malignant mesothelioma. The most common type of asbestos-related cancer is malignant pleural mesothelioma. It accounts for approximately 80% of all mesothelioma cases. Malignant pleural mesothelioma is usually diagnosed…

cancer biomarker test
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Cancer Biomarker Test Could Detect Mesothelioma Earlier

A new cancer biomarker test that promises to identify cancer in patients with “non-specific symptoms” could be the key to detecting mesothelioma earlier.  Malignant mesothelioma is a deadly cancer caused by asbestos. The early symptoms of mesothelioma are usually vague and similar to other conditions. As a result, mesothelioma is frequently diagnosed in a late stage. But a cancer biomarker test developed in the UK could change that. The test looks for small molecules called metabolites in the blood. Its developers say it has the potential to find cancer earlier than other blood-based cancer tests.  Non-Specific Symptoms Make Mesothelioma a Diagnostic Challenge Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. It is most common in people who worked or lived around asbestos in…

Advice for Mesothelioma Patients and Caregivers: Understanding Blood-Based Biomarkers
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Blood Test May Reveal History of Exposure to Asbestos

Small, non-coding bits of RNA in blood serum may offer a way to measure a person’s exposure to asbestos and predict their risk for mesothelioma.  Malignant mesothelioma is just one of several types of cancer linked to exposure to asbestos. But, unless a person knows they have been exposed, doctors might not even think to look for it, even when a patient develops early symptoms.  Researchers at Italy’s University of Ferrara have identified a microRNA in blood serum that can act as a biomarker for asbestos in the body. The discovery could lead to a blood test to identify high-risk people.  Exposure to Asbestos and Malignant Mesothelioma Before asbestos, mesothelioma was virtually unheard of. In fact, when the first asbestos-exposed…

mesothelioma diagnostic process
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Could Lipids Hold the Key to Improving the Mesothelioma Diagnostic Process?

A new Chinese report suggests that molecules called lipids could hold the key to improving the mesothelioma diagnostic process. Mesothelioma is rare and hard to treat. It is critical to diagnose it accurately and as early as possible for the best outcomes. But the mesothelioma diagnostic process can be complex and difficult.  The Chinese researchers compared the amounts and types of lipids in the blood of mesothelioma patients to those in the blood of healthy people. They discovered five lipids that were higher in the mesothelioma patients and 29 that were lower.  The information could help doctors refine the mesothelioma diagnostic process. It could also help them determine how a patient is doing on a particular treatment.  Lipids and the…

mesothelioma blood test
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Mesothelioma Blood Test Could Help Delay Time Between CT Scans

A mesothelioma blood test could make it possible to stretch the time between CT scans to monitor treatment progress. That is the conclusion from a team of cancer experts in Italy. The researchers compared the results of the SMRP mesothelioma blood test to CT scans and other prognostic indicators in pleural mesothelioma patients.  Doctors typically use a set of criteria called mRECIST to assess how well a particular therapy is working. mRECIST includes measurements from CT scans. But CT scans are expensive, time-consuming, and expose patients to ionizing radiation.  The goal of the new study was to see how closely SMRP levels correlated with mRECIST results. The team says the blood test appears to be accurate enough that it could…

new cancer blood test
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New Cancer Blood Test May Bolster Mesothelioma Diagnostic Tools

A new cancer blood test may make boost the accuracy of current screening tools and allow doctors to detect malignant mesothelioma and other hard-to-find cancers earlier.  The test is called a multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test. The US company Grail developed it and researchers at the Cleveland Clinic tested it on more than 3,500 patients. They found that it correctly identified cancer in more than half of cases. The test was even more accurate in rare cancer types for which no screening test is available.  Malignant mesothelioma was not specifically mentioned in the report. But it is an extremely rare cancer. The method used by the new cancer blood test suggests that it could be useful for finding mesothelioma, too. …

new cancer blood test
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New Cancer Blood Test: Could it Find Early Mesothelioma?

Researchers in England are testing a new cancer blood test that promises to reveal the presence of hard-to-find cancers like mesothelioma earlier. The country’s National Health Service will offer the test to 165,000 UK residents next year as part of a clinical trial.  “Early detection, particularly for hard to treat conditions like ovarian and pancreatic cancer, has the potential to save many lives,” NHS England’s’ chief executive Simon Stevens told The Guardian newspaper. “This promising blood test could therefore be a gamechanger in cancer care, helping thousands more people to get successful treatment.” If the trial of the new cancer blood test is successful, it could be available to help detect mesothelioma within a few years.  The Challenge of Identifying…

liquid biopsy
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Liquid Biopsy for Early Stage Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Canadian researchers are exploring a liquid biopsy test that could lead to early diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma. The test is based on mesothelial precursor cells (MPC). The researchers say these cells – in combination with mesothelin and some kinds of stem cells – “could be implicated” in the development of mesothelioma.  A liquid biopsy detects cells in blood instead of tissue. The University of Toronto scientists think MPC in blood may be a new mesothelioma biomarker. If it proves to be true, this kind of biopsy might be able to identify mesothelioma patients even before they have symptoms. How Liquid Biopsy Works Patients with suspected mesothelioma may have many tests. Imaging scans and blood tests can help tell if a…

second-line treatment option

Response to Chemotherapy in Mesothelioma Patients: Could This Protein Predict It?

There is new evidence that a protein called Activin A could help predict response to chemotherapy in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma. It may also make it easier for doctors to distinguish mesothelioma from benign lung tumors. Activin A influences many cellular processes. Among other things, it plays a role in cell proliferation, immune response, metabolism, and natural cell death.  FInnish researchers say mesothelioma patients with higher levels of Activin A in their blood are more likely to suffer from cachexia. Cachexia is weakness and wasting of the body due to chronic illness. High expressors of Activin A are also less likely to have a good response to chemotherapy.  Activin A and Mesothelioma Activin A is a member of the…