Advice for Mesothelioma Patients and Caregivers: Understanding Blood-Based Biomarkers

Advice for Mesothelioma Patients and Caregivers: Understanding Blood-Based Biomarkers

A pleural mesothelioma diagnosis can overwhelm patients and caregivers. However, knowing about recent research can help in making treatment decisions. For example, a key area is blood-based biomarkers. Two promising ones are soluble mesothelin-related protein (SMRP) and cancer antigen 125 (CA-125). They help monitor pleural mesothelioma progression. A new article published in Thoracic Cancer offers advice for mesothelioma patients and caregivers on these biomarkers. Understanding SMRP and CA-125 SMRP and CA-125 are biomarkers found in the blood. They can provide valuable information about the presence and progression of pleural mesothelioma. SMRP levels tend to be elevated in patients with pleural mesothelioma, particularly those with epithelioid and biphasic histology. On the other hand, CA-125 levels may indicate the presence of abdominal…

Mesothelioma Blood Test Could Help Delay Time Between CT Scans
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Mesothelioma Blood Test Could Help Delay Time Between CT Scans

A mesothelioma blood test could make it possible to stretch the time between CT scans to monitor treatment progress. That is the conclusion from a team of cancer experts in Italy. The researchers compared the results of the SMRP mesothelioma blood test to CT scans and other prognostic indicators in pleural mesothelioma patients.  Doctors typically use a set of criteria called mRECIST to assess how well a particular therapy is working. mRECIST includes measurements from CT scans. But CT scans are expensive, time-consuming, and expose patients to ionizing radiation.  The goal of the new study was to see how closely SMRP levels correlated with mRECIST results. The team says the blood test appears to be accurate enough that it could…

Standard Biomarkers for Pleural Mesothelioma “Not Useful” for Immunotherapy
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Standard Biomarkers for Pleural Mesothelioma “Not Useful” for Immunotherapy

Two of the most important biomarkers for pleural mesothelioma are not much help when it comes to tracking response to immunotherapy. Top mesothelioma researchers at the University of Pennsylvania drew that conclusion based on data from a cohort of 58 patients.  They focused on two primary biomarkers for pleural mesothelioma: SMRP and fibulin-3. Doctors use both of these markers to diagnose and plan treatment for mesothelioma.  The study confirms the correlation between these markers and mesothelioma tumor volume. But the Penn Medicine researchers say these biomarkers of pleural mesothelioma were “not useful” for measuring immunotherapy response. Understanding Biomarkers for Pleural Mesothelioma A biomarker is a substance produced by the body that indicates a biological process or condition. Most mesothelioma biomarkers…

The Best Biomarkers for Mesothelioma Diagnosis, Prognosis, & Monitoring
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The Best Biomarkers for Mesothelioma Diagnosis, Prognosis, & Monitoring

What are the best biomarkers for mesothelioma? The answer is still Soluble Mesothelin-Related Proteins (SMRPs). That is the conclusion of a major review of medical literature by some of the world’s top mesothelioma experts. Dr. Harvey Pass of New York University’s Langone Medical Center and Dr. Michele Carbone of the University of Hawaii are among the authors on the new report.  They analyzed 20 years of research on the best biomarkers for mesothelioma. Several were valuable for mesothelioma prognosis. But SMRPs once again came out the winner for mesothelioma prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring.  How Do Biomarkers Work? A biomarker is any substance produced by the body that can act as a biological signpost. Proteins usually make the best biomarkers…

Genetics Affect Accuracy of SMRP Test for Mesothelioma
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Genetics Affect Accuracy of SMRP Test for Mesothelioma

The SMRP test for mesothelioma is a tool doctors use to help diagnose asbestos cancer and plan treatment. But new research suggests that the test is not as useful as it could be due to genetic variability.  Slovenian doctors say a person’s genetics influence how much SMRP they produce.  Based on their research, they recommend combining the SMRP test for mesothelioma with genetic testing. Their findings suggest the combination method produces a more accurate and useful mesothelioma biomarker. What is the SMRP Test for Mesothelioma? SMRP stands for soluble mesothelin-related peptides. They are produced when proteins found in the mesothelial membranes start to break down. Malignant mesothelioma is one condition that can trigger this breakdown.  As a mesothelioma tumor grows…

Mesothelioma Tumor Progression Can be Tracked With Blood Test
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Mesothelioma Tumor Progression Can be Tracked With Blood Test

Italian researchers say it’s possible to monitor mesothelioma tumor progression with a simple blood test. They make their case in a Letter to the Editor in the latest edition of the Journal of Thoracic Oncology. The researchers say blood serum levels of the protein mesothelin correlate closely with tumor volume in malignant pleural mesothelioma patients. They are recommending that the blood test be used alongside CT to track mesothelioma tumor progression. The Importance of Monitoring Mesothelioma Tumor Progression Pleural mesothelioma is a rare cancer with a grim prognosis. Mesothelioma tumors tend to grow and spread quickly. Doctors have to carefully monitor mesothelioma tumor progression to tell if a treatment is working. Most mesothelioma patients have chemotherapy with Alimta (pemetrexed) and…

SMRP Still Among Best Diagnostic Biomarkers for Mesothelioma
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SMRP Still Among Best Diagnostic Biomarkers for Mesothelioma

Chinese researchers say soluble mesothelin-related peptides (SMRP) in lung fluid is still one of the best biomarkers for mesothelioma, even if it sometimes produces false positives.. SMRP has been studied extensively as a way to help diagnose mesothelioma. The most popular test to check levels of SMRPs in the body is a blood test called MESOMARK. In recent years, other biomarkers for mesothelioma have also emerged. But SMRPs are not just in the blood. A new meta-analysis of SMRPs from pleural effusions finds that they have a valuable place among top biomarkers for mesothelioma. Biomarkers for Mesothelioma: SMRPs and Others Malignant mesothelioma is a type of cancer that starts on the membranes around the lungs, heart or abdomen. SMRPs are…

Research Highlights Connection Between BDNF and Mesothelioma Survival
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Research Highlights Connection Between BDNF and Mesothelioma Survival

French scientists say there is a clear connection between a biomarker called BDNF and mesothelioma survival. The research may open the door to improved mesothelioma diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment. BDNF stands for brain-derived neurotrophic factor. It is a protein found in the brain and other tissues. In a new published study, researchers at the University of Nantes found that mesothelioma patients had higher BDNF levels than people with other cancers. Mesothelioma patients with the highest BDNF levels had the shortest mesothelioma survival. Linking BDNF and Mesothelioma Survival A biomarker is a substance that can be used to show the presence of disease. BDNF is a soluble mesothelioma biomarker. Soluble biomarkers are in body fluid and can be collected without a…