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Unravelling the Mystery Behind Mesothelioma Tumors
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Unravelling the Mystery Behind Mesothelioma Tumors

In what could be a step closer to a mesothelioma cure, French cancer researchers say they have identified two of the key genetic pathways responsible for triggering mesothelioma in asbestos-exposed people. Led by Inserm (The French National Institute of Health and Medical Research), the study focused on mice that had been genetically engineered with mutations on certain tumor-suppressor genes known to play a role in malignant mesothelioma in people. Learning About Human Mesothelioma from Mice In the experiment, published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, some of the genetically engineered mice, as well as some normal (wild type) mice, were exposed to asbestos while others were not. The goal was to understand exactly what is happening at the molecular…

Nivolumab a ‘Rising Star’ for Malignant Mesothelioma Treatment?
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Nivolumab a ‘Rising Star’ for Malignant Mesothelioma Treatment?

There may be a new treatment option on the horizon for mesothelioma patients whose cancer has come back again after treatment. Researchers in the UK are even predicting that this drug could become the new standard of care for relapsed malignant mesothelioma. The drug is nivolumab, a PD-1 inhibitor sold under the brand name Opdivo. Already approved for the treatment of recurrent non-small cell lung cancer, nivolumab has been shown in recent clinical trials to reduce the size of mesothelioma tumors and may even extend mesothelioma survival. Opdivo in the News If you think you have been hearing more about nivolumab in the news lately, you are right. Laboratory results have suggested that this immunotherapy drug could be one of…

The Evolution of Asbestos and Mesothelioma in Pop Culture
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The Evolution of Asbestos and Mesothelioma in Pop Culture

Today, most people with access to media are aware that asbestos is dangerous. Even people who are unfamiliar with the rare but deadly asbestos cancer, malignant mesothelioma, have heard that this once commonly-used mineral is toxic. But this was not always the case. In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s when asbestos was at the height of its popularity in the US and other Western countries, the media often portrayed it as something of a “miracle mineral”. A naturally-occurring mineral found all around the world, asbestos has high tensile strength and resists heat, fire and corrosion. For decades it was used in insulation, added to building products like floor tiles and concrete, and made into fireproof clothing, ironing board pads, hairdryer…

Mesothelioma Survivors 30-Day Action Plan

Mesothelioma Survivors 30-Day Action Plan

This is a step-by-step guide to your first 30 Days with mesothelioma. These tips and advice come straight from mesothelioma survivors! Simply follow steps 1-7 below… 1. Get Paul Kraus’ book “Surviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guide”   Why?  Because this book is written by the longest living mesothelioma survivor in the world. He has survived mesothelioma for over 20 years now and is still alive today. In the book he explains, in his own words, exactly what he did to find his own path back to health. How?  You can get a free copy over-nighted to your address by clicking here. Please note that there are very limited copies available.   2. Make sure that a second…

Mesothelioma Persists in Australia Despite Asbestos Ban
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Mesothelioma Persists in Australia Despite Asbestos Ban

Australia’s legacy of asbestos mining and use continues to haunt it almost fifteen years after the country banned all forms of asbestos almost fifteen years ago. A new report published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that, although asbestos consumption peaked in Australia in the 1970s, malignant mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases continue to be a significant public health issue. Asbestos is a naturally-occurring mineral that was prized as a building product additive because of its high tensile strength and resistance to heat and corrosion. Australia is rich in the mineral and once operated several of the world’s largest mines. In the 1960s and 1970s, the country also had the highest per capita use of…

Mesothelioma Treatments Used By 27 Year Survivor…

Mesothelioma Treatments Used By 27 Year Survivor… If I’ve learned anything from surviving mesothelioma for more than 27 years, it’s this… …Mesothelioma does NOT have to be a death sentence. Over the last few years I’ve seen more and more people surviving mesothelioma every single day. And no… it’s not because of some special new drug hidden away in the far corners of Eastern Europe… …What I’m about to share with you is the entire system behind my survival. You’ll discover… You’ll get all of this and more in my book: “Surviving Mesothelioma”… and today you can get a copy for free. After reading my book, patients from all over the world have written to me and said things like… “This is the…

Causes of Mesothelioma

Causes of Mesothelioma

What Causes Mesothelioma? What causes mesothelioma? For many cancers, figuring out the cause for an individual cancer can be very challenging. Why does a non-smoker get lung cancer and a smoker does not? Why do people with very healthy diets sometimes get stomach or colon cancer? It’s very difficult to explain, but mesothelioma is often the exception to the rule. The medical experts tell us that mesothelioma is almost always caused by asbestos. In fact, mesothelioma is often called the “asbestos caused cancer.” This means that if you were diagnosed with mesothelioma you were likely exposed to asbestos. If fact, many people diagnosed with this cancer have been exposed to asbestos at multiple times from multiple sources throughout their lives….

John Panza

When Diagnosed I was officially diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma in June 2012. This was after a VATS procedure to determine why I had a pleural effusion around my left lung. (VATS is a video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery procedure, a minimally invasive surgical approach used to diagnose and treat chest problems.) The pleural effusion was found accidentally during a chest x-ray in February 2012 for what my primary care physician thought was flu or pneumonia. I had two thoracentesis procedures but the effusion kept returning, so the VATS procedure was determined to be the next step. Doctors Consulted My diagnosis and treatment was handled exclusively by the Cleveland Clinic. My surgeries were led by my thoracic surgeon, Dr. David Mason (now…

VEGF-Inhibitor Looks Promising for Malignant Mesothelioma
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VEGF-Inhibitor Looks Promising for Malignant Mesothelioma

There is more encouraging news about the monoclonal antibody bevacizumab (Avastin) and its potential to boost the effectiveness of chemotherapy for people with malignant pleural mesothelioma. A pair of oncology researchers from Texas have just released their summary of the the most recent published studies on bevacizumab. They conclude that, for the right patients, bevacizumab may improve mesothelioma outcomes and extend survival by blocking tumor blood vessel formation (angiogenesis). This ability of bevacizumab to help standard mesothelioma chemotherapy work better is why the drug has been included as a possible first-line mesothelioma treatment in the National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines since 2016. Bevacizumab for Mesothelioma Therapy Bevacizumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits angiogenesis in mesothelioma tumors by blocking VEGF, a protein…


My Name is Paul Kraus and I Have Survived Mesothelioma for Over 20 Years… I wrote a book on how I did it, and I want to give you a free copy… Limited Copies Available Mesothelioma Survivor Paul Kraus, Alive And Well 20 Years After Writing “Surviving Mesothelioma And Other Cancers” This website was created to share the inspiring story of Paul Kraus with newly diagnosed mesothelioma patients and their loved ones. In the summer of 1997, Paul Kraus was diagnosed with mesothelioma and given only a few months to live. Rather than give up, Paul spoke with doctors from all over the world and with their help created a unique treatment plan. This plan involved the use of various types of therapies….