Unveiling ACADL: A Breakthrough Biomarker for Mesothelioma Diagnosis in Elderly Americans

Unveiling ACADL: A Breakthrough Biomarker for Mesothelioma Diagnosis in Elderly Americans

Mesothelioma, a rare cancer linked to asbestos, is dangerous for elderly Americans. It’s hard to tell the difference between reactive and cancerous cells. However, a recent study in the American Journal of Pathology sheds light. The study identifies a key biomarker, ACADL, using advanced analysis methods. Understanding the Challenge Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed after a person experiences symptoms and visits a doctor. One thing a doctor may do is perform a tissue biopsy. The doctor will remove a part of the tissue (suspected mesothelioma) for examination. Most tissue biopsies are done with a needle and examined in a laboratory. The lab looks for specific biomarkers to determine whether the tissue contains mesothelioma. Reactive mesothelial cells closely mimic malignant mesothelioma cells,…

Do Mesothelioma Doctors Rely Too Much on CT?
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Do Mesothelioma Doctors Rely Too Much on CT?

A team of researchers in the UK say doctors may be relying too heavily on the results of CT scans to determine which patients should have invasive biopsies for suspected pleural mesothelioma. Examining tumor cells under a microscope is currently the only way to definitively diagnose malignant pleural mesothelioma. However, because getting a cell sample means that a patient has to undergo surgery, doctors typically use non-invasive tests like CT first. CT scans have become an important part of the diagnostic process for malignant pleural mesothelioma. To see how valuable these tests really are for respiratory patients, experts from the Oxford Centre for Respiratory Medicine and the Lancashire Chest Centre in Preston, UK analyzed the CT scans and final diagnoses…