Supplement May Boost the Effectiveness of Mesothelioma Treatment
A supplement that claims to increase oxygen in the tissues might boost the effectiveness of mesothelioma treatment. That is the conclusion of researchers at Italy’s National Cancer Institute in Rome. The group tested the supplement Cellfood (CF) on several types of cancer cells in the lab. They also gave the supplement to mice with implanted human mesothelioma tumors. CF appeared to boost the effectiveness of mesothelioma treatment with radiation or chemoradiation. What is Cellfood? Cellfood (Deutrosultazyme) is a nutraceutical produced by NuScience Corporation. A nutraceutical is a nutritional supplement that may function like a drug in some ways. According to NuScience, Cellfood contains colloidal minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and dissolved oxygen. Lab studies show that it has antioxidant effects and…