Two New Diagnostic Tissue Biomarkers Discovered for Mesothelioma
Scientists have now identified two new diagnostic tissue biomarkers for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Doctors identify mesothelioma using diagnostic tissue biomarkers. This is called immunohistochemistry. The use of immunohistochemistry improves the accuracy of mesothelioma diagnosis in clinical practice. Yet, new methods for discovering diagnostic markers are still needed. Following a Reverse Approach in a Rare Case Mesothelioma is usually diagnosed after a person experiencing symptoms goes to a doctor. One thing a doctor may do is perform a tissue biopsy. The doctor will remove a part of the tissue (suspected mesothelioma) for examination. Most tissue biopsies are done with a needle and then examined in a laboratory. The lab will look for specific biomarkers to find out if the tissue contains…