Asbestos | Compensation | Occupations | Prevention The Hidden Mesothelioma Risk for Dentists ByAlex Strauss March 1, 2017March 16, 2017 Mesothelioma risk can sometimes be found in unexpected places. According to a newly-published article, dentists and others involved in casting…
Australia | Compensation | International | Mesothelioma | New Studies | Prognosis | Research | Statistics | Updates The Surprise Impact of Socioeconomic Status on Mesothelioma Survival ByAlex Strauss February 2, 2017March 16, 2017 New research suggests that the socioeconomic status of some mesothelioma patients may have a greater influence on survival than how close…
Asbestos | Australia | Compensation | International | Mesothelioma | Occupations | Statistics | Updates New Insights Into Mesothelioma Risk Among Brake Mechanics ByAlex Strauss January 18, 2017March 16, 2017 The risk of mesothelioma among automobile brake mechanics may be higher than many in the industry even realize due, in…
Compensation | Diagnosis | Europe | International | New Studies | Research | Updates Psychological Needs of Mesothelioma Patients Differ from Lung Cancer ByAlex Strauss November 23, 2016March 16, 2017 New research suggests that, even though pleural mesothelioma is considered a type of lung cancer, people with the asbestos cancer…
Asbestos | Compensation | Diagnosis | Occupations | Scans | Updates Mesothelioma Diagnosis Still a Possibility for 9/11 Survivors ByAlex Strauss September 11, 2016March 16, 2017 Fifteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, some of the wounds inflicted that day have…
Alternatives | Compensation | Holistic | Legal | Updates Mesothelioma Survivor on Cannabis Oil Following in Footsteps of Ancient Herbalists ByAlex Strauss May 10, 2016March 16, 2017 Malignant mesothelioma, an aggressive malignancy caused almost exclusively by asbestos exposure, is one of the rarest and most deadly cancers.…
Asbestos | Compensation | Europe | International | Legal | Statistics | Updates New Article Faults “Unsound Science” for Continued Rise in Mesothelioma Cases ByAlex Strauss May 2, 2016March 16, 2017 A German occupational medicine specialist says the rules regarding eligibility for mesothelioma compensation – many of which are based on…
Asbestos | Compensation | Diagnosis | Europe | International | Occupations | Updates Recent Versus Past Asbestos Exposure in the Causation of Mesothelioma ByAlex Strauss April 6, 2016March 16, 2017 Exposure to asbestos can trigger lethal malignant mesothelioma, regardless of how long ago – or how recently – that exposure…
Asbestos | Compensation | Europe | International | Occupations | Prevention | Updates Article Raises Specter of Unrecognized Mesothelioma Risk ByAlex Strauss April 3, 2016March 16, 2017 An asbestos expert in Italy says people who work with another common mineral may also be at risk for deadly…
Asbestos | Compensation | Diagnosis | Europe | International | Occupations | Updates Asbestos Modeling Clay Linked to Mesothelioma ByAlex Strauss March 27, 2016March 16, 2017 A popular air-drying modeling clay used across Europe in the 1960s and 70s may have raised the mesothelioma risk for…